The Patio Podcast

Episode 5: Department Store Love Story, with Dean & Kristin Wehr

Kate Kareha Season 1 Episode 7

Dean and Kristin Wehr have a Hess’s memory straight out of a Hallmark Movie! Now married for 27-years, with three lovely daughters, Dean and Kristin recently moved back to the Lehigh Valley, and he submitted their story through the Community page of our website. 

Dean worked at the downtown store from 1987-1992 during high school and college breaks. He worked in the spiral parking deck, customer pick-up, as a stock boy, then a Salesperson in Men's Sportswear. During Dean’s winter break in 1992, the first day of his last time working for Hess’s, a beautiful young lady walked in to work alongside him. That young lady was Kristin, a seasonal employee who was originally hired as a gift wrapper ahead of the busy holiday shopping season. Dean asked her to lunch and the rest is history.

So put on your Dockers and relax, because we’re going back to Christmas Eve 1992 to hear the beginning of their department store love story.

The Patio's original music: Theme created and produced by Dave Meyers, with Vocals by Sam Cummings.

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