The Patio Podcast

S3 E2: Employee Rules & Regulations PART 2

Kate Kareha Season 3 Episode 2

Don't flirt, and ALWAYS speak well of the house... Continuing with a complete reading of pages 19-29 inside, "Rules and Regulations for the Government of the Employees of Hess Brothers; Allentown, PA."  This episode will get you inside the minds of Max and Charles Hess, trusted Members of the Firm, and department leaders. As the rule book states, MERIT WINS. The proof is on the pages-- Hess Brothers Department Store had high expectations for staff, and even higher regard for the customer-experience.  

Starting NOW I want to speak with members of your organization, social club, church, apartment complex, alumni association, nursing home, and neighborhood-watch for new episodes of The Patio Podcast. Capturing as many stories as possible, small but mighty vignette’s of what it was like to shop and work at Hess Brother’s, is sure to keep its legacy alive. 

If you are someone who can help make this happen for members of your group, please send an email to Kate at I would love to hear from you!

Episode Sources: 

The Patio's original music: Theme created and produced by Dave Meyers, with Vocals by Sam Cummings.

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